On Saturday at Barb's I found a wonderful support group on the web. It's called dailystrength.org. I joined the brain injury support portion and asked about Danny's constant flailing in bed, and his need to keep walking and standing. I was too busy to get on the site REAL often, but over the past months it has saved my sanity, as a place to vent, share, and learn. I've met a few wonderful friends there. God Bless the Daily Strength Brain Injury Support Group!!
| My bf had his accident dec 4th. He has diffuse axonal injury. The docters said it was the worst kind to have and not to expect alot. He was in a coma 2 weeks. He is now in a rehab and is recovering quickly, walking, talking, tho confused. He isnt eating foods yet. However, he has a need to move CONSTANTLY. It was awful at first and he had 2 ppl doing one to one supervision. He couldnt keep arms and legs from flailing. The involuntary movements when sitting in a chair have stopped. But he just keeps standing up and walking every 2 minutes. He cant help it at all. And as soon as he lies in bed, he rolls from side to side, gets on hands and knees, lies back down, then starts the process over again. It goes on til he finally falls asleep. Has anyone else seen this or had it? I'm worried abt it...
Posted on 01/15/11, 11:14 pm |
Reply #1 - 01/16/11 3:59am |
 I didn't have the need to constanrly move. Maybe a good thing too as I couldn't due to the bones I broke but I too had to learn how to eat after a coma. It does sound like he is improving all the time, as I did hugely in the first few months after the accident. I know it must be awful for you but just be there for him. Things will calm down. He will keep improving as he is now. It is so early now. i AM 3 years after mine and I am so much better than I was before. I don't remember the intial few months but I have been told some stories. Just be there for him. Things will keep on improving  |
Reply #2 - 01/16/11 10:25am |
 not only is this not one of the bizillion things to potentially worry about, this is a cause to rejoice! his brain is working, big time. the electrical circuitry is firing like mad, fiercely fighting to re-organize itself. movement equals muscle tone, equals strength equals vitality and therefor, health! the one to one supervision is fantastic! sounds like you're in a good place, luckily. civility and our own expectations don't apply, right now. let him be wacky and free of it all, while he's healing. and if possible, change your point of view, and have a little fun with all this absurd strangeness that's pouring out. i was a big fan of saying, 'not all of it, is bad.' my heart near bubbled over with love and laughter many many many times.  |
Reply #3 - 01/16/11 10:41am |
 also, i tried to document as much of the phases my son went, through as possible. i have several fantastic recordings of him just raconteuring about the most imaginative and nutty things that i've ever heard in my life. it was fascinating and fabulous. the reason i bring this up, is, that there seems to be a period of disbelief with the Brain Injured, that any of this actually happened, because they don't remember a thing. the short term memory being very suspect. of course this is much further down the road but it's very very real and part of the emotional acceptance that must occur. good luck and rejoice, your guys is a fighter!  |
Reply #4 - 01/16/11 11:52pm |
 thanx so much "Bitemarks" I really needed to think of this in this way. You are so right. And yes I have been noting all the amazing phases thru this. It is just fascinating beyond belief. I know Danny will one day find it helpful and equally fascinating just because of the inquisitive natured person he is...thanx again!!!  |
Reply #5 - 01/20/11 4:31pm |
 He's lucky to be alive! It will get better, try to be patient. It feels like it takes forever. It's been almost 5 years for me. I was in a coma for 3 weeks. I'm just walking w/ a walker now after everything else, swallowing, talking, memory, etc. I haven't heard about his injury, so all I can say is brains recover amazingly, mine has so much! GOOD LUCK!  |
Reply #6 - 01/23/11 10:18pm |
 just wanted to let you guys know that Danny is now sleeping at night and the tossing and turning crazily has stopped. He still walks and walks ALL DAY LONG, but thats a good thing...except when we have to run beside him trying to put meds and food thru his feeding tube...lol  |
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