So Danny had, and I assume still does have, bi-polar, OCD and ADHD. It caused a lot of problems in his life, and when he moved in with me in a roommate/friend capacity in early '09, caused some for me as well. He was on no medications. He was sometimes rude, often bossy, opinionated, argumentative and controlling. At one point I finally had him removed from my home because he was just way too out of hand. When I did so he had no where to go to stay but to his one aunt and uncle, and they had to sneak in because of the rules of their building. He sought help with psychiatry and therapy right away, and began undergoing treatment. In a little over a month I took him back. He begged me to let him prove himself. I always did believe in the person he was on the inside, no matter how badly he had burned his bridges with others. Things improved gradually after that, with our friendship growing into "more"....
One of the traits he exhibited from his disorders, was the need to be constantly talking. Always talking about, politics, grammer and language, nature, sex, families, child-rearing, and his favorite It was cute and enjoyable at first...even for a long time. I loved the things we conversed abt, and the sound of his soft-spoken voice. After we were more deeply and intimately involved, it got to be annoying once in a while, then a tad more, and more, and sometimes it was simply unBEARABLE!! In bed at night I'd be dozing off and he'd still be going on and on. It made for difficult rest. ......
As he lie there unconscious, eyes closed, and so still and quiet, I told God I would never tell him "stop talking" again, like I had sooo many times. How bad is listening to someone speak to you? And how bad is it to realize someone you love may never utter a single word ever again...?
As he lie there unconscious, eyes closed, and so still and quiet, I told God I would never tell him "stop talking" again, like I had sooo many times. How bad is listening to someone speak to you? And how bad is it to realize someone you love may never utter a single word ever again...?
Went home and showered, picked up Nick, and took him to my friend Barb's. Back to spend the night at the hospital. The neuro, trauma, and other drs will be in in the AM to go over tests and explain whats next. Thanx from the bottom of my heart to all the friends keeping he and our families in their prayers. Its only me here with Danny tonight. Getting his 2am bath and other care, and im setting up in the family room at the end of his hall with some blankets, pillows and a cot. Guess ill try to nap but it hasnt been easy.