Sunday, January 30, 2011


Wasnt gonna go to rehab today n instead get some stuff done here at home, but im going down cuz theres more to be discussed with therapies n care management, and things are moving along swiftly now. I wont get there on a weekday when main staffs there again til tuesday if i dont go today.

Danny asked me 2 print pix of us 2 look at but library doesnt open til 12 so im off 2 make it 4 lunch with him. Mayb computers at rehab have a printer. Yesterday when puttin cream on his itchy knees i made eyes at him n he asked if i was tryin 2 turn him on n i said yea. He said you did that a long time ago so u dont even have 2 do that shit. Aw how sweet my babe is :-)

On our way to barbs. She is supposed to not be alone tonight cuz of some pretty serious tooth extractions. Tomorrow nick goes with his dad overnight and i spend the wknd with the sweetest guy god ever created. Homecoming is a wk away. Next wk some appts 4 him, and family training 4 us on wed.

We had quite a spell of bad weather that last week of ice or snow storm after another. Nick went to spend the wknd with his dad and I spent the wknd between Barb's and the rehab. Danny was getting just a little better at a time every day...small things others wouldn't really notice, were evident to me sometimes. He could be restless, but he was also becomming less anxious...more calm and patient. Occasionally he would take an interest in some grooming. I helped him shave and he actually did well, but only took a trim off his quickly growing beard. It was enough to spiff him up a bit though. He didn't have the attention span to stick with any activity for more than a few minutes, but it was still an improvement.

all shaved and showered

He enjoyed looking at pictures...of Nick and I as well as his family. One of the first things we had all done after the accident, was to bring in lots of pictures and put them up all around where he could see them. On Saturday I printed a bunch and made them into a little booklet. He paged through it all week, noting what he remembered about them. 
One subject we had avoided was his dad. None of us had told him his dad passed away in 2006. He looked at his picture a few times, but didn't ask...and we didn't tell. It just didn't seem like the time.
I was awake pretty near all the time that wknd, at the rehab all day, walking with Danny and helping him do things, and at Barb's up late on the computer. Even when I did lie down to sleep, my mind was just too busy to let rest come. Saturday the staff and I were trying for hours to get Danny to lie down for the night. He was utterly exhausted, and his gait was wobbly. I laid in his bed and George, one of the aides would convince him to come lie down with me, but after a short rest of ten minutes at most, he would get up again. I heard George telling him he would help him wash up and get ready for bed, and I don't remember anything else for a time because I ended up falling asleep. I partially awoke to feel Danny being tucked into bed with me. I wrapped my arm over him, put my head on his chest and fell asleep again. Around 1am I awoke. Danny was sound asleep. I snuck out of his bed and got ready to go. When the nurse saw me leaving she said..."Oh, I was gonna leave you there. His roommate is gone anyway. It would have been ok." I decided to go on home. In retrospect I don't know why I didn't just stay. I guess it just felt odd at the time...

How precious. I went to sleep n danny got washed up n came to bed. They said i could have stayed n slept with him since his roommate is gone now, but i left my sleeping babe n am on my way back to barbs. So hard to leave. But so cool that they would have let me stay.